Tuesday, October 17, 2006

No News is Good News

I've been asked to update, so here goes:

This past weekend we took our annual romantic weekend getaway to New Hampshire. It was lovely! On Saturday we drove up to the Mulburn Inn (same place we went last year) and on the way we stopped at Franconia National Park. We hiked up to the lost lake, which was absolutely gorgeous. Apparently a couple of guys lived there for years, just hiking and fishing in the lake. I wonder, what kind of courage would one have to have to take an adventure like that? Was there more of a desire to GO to a beautiful place or to leave a grungy place? Were they excited about something better or were they just content to leave the junk behind?

At exactly the wrong time, I'm hit with a strong desire to simplify my life. I want crap OUT of my house and I want everything organized. I want things to be clear and predictable. Are they? Not at all! Not even a little bit. I've got things here and there and everywhere. Andy and I were talking about it in the car on the way to NH--do we ever think we'll simplify our lives? We were both raised to be packrats but we can't stand it! I hope within the next year or so we'll be able to get rid of stuff and have a simplified lifestyle. My goal is to have the house organized by the time we leave in a little under 2 years. Andy wants to get it done before we have a baby because babies mean loads of presents from the new grandparents. So that cuts our time down a bit! I don't know if it's possible. We really need to be on Clean Sweep or something.

Oh, anyway, back to my weekend. Saturday night we had a nice dinner (sore! but nice) and Sunday we had a lovely homecooked breakfast followed by a drive through the Presidential Mountain chain. Silly me, I didn't realize we had driven through it--I was watching for someone's face in the mountain! I had confused the Old Man in the Mountain with Mt Rushmore with the Presidential Mountain chain. Then we went to the outlet malls in North Conway (didn't buy anything, just browsed) and drove past lake Winipekasee (sp?). I hear the Romneys have a place there. Then we came back to the house, walked the dog, and had a lovely evening of TWO home movies.

Next week we get the hardwood floors put in, so we are going to try to organize some tonight (ha ha ha, as if). Andy's waiting for his car to be finished and as soon as that happens, he's going to buy a canoe with his birthday money. Oh, how I look forward to floating around in our lake with a good book! (Maybe Nancy's book?)

So, there it is! I'm tired and disorganized but everything's fine. No news is good news, right?

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