Monday, April 03, 2006


I had my one day in the sun and then beginning Saturday morning I was sick as a dog! I laid in bed all Saturday and went to the doc on Sunday, as it hadn't gotten better. Turns out I have full-blown strep throat! After I took my meds Sunday afternoon, I felt a bit better, but last night I could hardly sleep because my throat hurt so badly. This morning I got up, had some breakfast so that I could take my advil and medication, and promptly passed out on the couch while iming with a friend. So, here I am, just woken up, and I feel like I wasted my whole weekend. Truthfully, though, I hadn't felt as badly as I felt this weekend in years. Every muscle in my body ached, including my earlobes. My head was pounding, my fever was nearly 102, my stomach was churning, my throat was nearly swollen shut, and I couldn't pay attention to anything but whether I was hot or cold. It was terrible, and I'm glad I slept through most of it! I had planned to stay awake all day today to help me sleep tonight, and I obviously blew that already. But, the good news is that I already feel better than I did this morning. I plan to try to do some dishes if I can, or at least tidy up the house a tiny bit. It's a mess.

How's that for a boring update? But I think I'm by-and-large past the major pain.

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