Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Boring Life

So, I realized today that I don't have much of an interesting life. I don't even have groups on livejournal that I can join except for the clucky board, of which I'm already a member! The clucky board is for women who want kids but have to wait...boy, that's me. I daydream about having an accident, I really do. I would curse my bank account but I realize I have it better than some do, so I should let it be. But really, sometimes I wish I could be the irresponsible one for once!!! Who cares about dumb ole debt? Right? Not quite. Since the hubby is gone, I can't shoot for an accident, which is probably for the best.

The hubby is only having a medium-fun time with his troop at camp. Since he's the only DE there (and he's not actually taking time off work--he's answering phone calls and such the entire week), he doesn't have the luxury of letting "someone else" handle problems. For example, the section of camp they were in became overcrowded so he had to pack up his tent and move across camp. But, like he said, it's better that he have to do this kind of stuff than a volunteer.

Work was pretty bland today; I spent the whole day looking at Excel spreadsheets and I feel like a zombie now. I didn't sleep well last night so I'm pretty exhausted now. I rented the new Pride and Prejudice over the weekend and I'll pop it in soon and snuggle the dog. I put french onion soup into the oven and it's starting to smell lovely.

Last night our softball team won our game and then we went out for pizza. It was really good and was fun. Tomorrow I'm going downtown for makeup shopping with a friend from work. It is so hard to meet people in Boston and I'm glad I have a friend in my coworker. And it's turning out that we're not going to be "work friends" but "hang out and do stuff and have lunch" friends. I think I'm going to have better luck making friends in the "real world" than I did at Harvard. I mean there, I would try to make friends, only to quit once I realized that the other person was flying in from Planet Militant Marxism. I think in business there are more capitalists, which is a great start for a friendship!

Incidentally, while I have been productive since the hubby has been gone, I haven't been half as productive as I planned because I've agreed to after-work activities simply so I wouldn't have to go to an empty house. I suppose that is the way things go.

My dad's pretty sick again, and no, I don't really want to talk about it. I just thought I'd give the update.

Oh, Nancy French's book is now available for pre-order! I can't wait to read it. Check out her blog (link to the side) for an entry on it. Woohoo!

I hate being alone for a week. Perhaps my Jane Austen movie will make the melancholy less acute.

1 comment:

Stefan said...

Whats wrong with the Marxists at harvard?? I think there are enough capitialists in this country! Leave poor Harvard alone in its ivory-tower. :)

-- a liberal apologist bacholor in the north end...