Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Living Room Color

You'll have to excuse the terribly messy coffee table and left-out sliders; the husband JUST finished the room today so we had pizza-and-movie night. He hates my constant tidying so I'm laying off for the evening.

The thing to the right is the entertainment center; it fits neatly up against the wall. The room really does feel bigger but still pretty pulled-together. With the plain white walls of the base, the room felt really disjointed, but the gold in the walls and the gold in the furniture makes the whole room feel very warm. I think once we have our white oak floors, this room might feel really nice! Here's hoping anyway.

I have started an effort--however small--to drum up some funds via editing (for academia, print, and Web). (Yes, Web is capitalized when not used as an adjective!) Should you or *anyone* you know need anything edited, let me know! I'm hoping to turn this into a job I could do from a home office part-time once we have kids. Here's the site I've begun. Don't be shy, tell a friend!

Speaking of kids, why is it that our liberated ideal of womanhood has morphed into, well, being a man? Monogamy, raising kids, wearing skirts, keeping the family ties...these things are all "old fashioned" it seems. Nowadays we're supposed to wear suits, put the kids in daycare from 7-6 (where they are mostly kept fed and entertained, but not necessarily nurtured), and gosh, I don't know any "modern" woman who puts family first. I find myself in the Yale girls camp--remember that hullabaloo last year? Most Yale co-eds said they'd choose to be stay-at-home-mothers while their kids were young, and feminists went bonkers saying how much my generation has regressed. Am I backwards for not wanting to be a man or fulfill male ideals? What made the masculine approach the better one? That seems like the real sexism to me. Okay, rant is over.

The husband asked me to go back on coffee, as I miss it so much and there's less pep in my step. I've had two cups since this weekend and, well, the thrill is gone. The thrill is gone away...but now I know that I can heartily enjoy a cup of hazelnut java without craving a coffee drip every morning. Very small news, I know.

Work is still going fine; lately I've been working on some email copy and new graphics for the new java site structure. My supervisor has gone round and round with the team in the UK and I can see why he's frustrated. The more I do this job, the more I realize how frustrating bureaucracy can be! He handles it well, though, and I enjoy working under him. The department head is really easy to work with, too. In fact, I like everybody at my office for different reasons, but I think those in my department are teaching me more than the rest. My major contribution to the department (beyond my internet marketing bit) is to be the grammar checker for everyone. Well, it's more than just grammar--it's style, content, fact-checking, the whole bit. Who loves details? Oooh, oooh, ME!!!!!

It's time for bed so I'm off.

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