Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesdays are Poo-days!

From an email to AutumnAdytum, in an effort to cut down on rewriting and get back to work, as it IS the end of my lunch break in a couple of minutes...

Tonight we're going out to the North End and getting dinner at Dolce Vita (fancy italian restaurant) and then Mike's Pastry for cannolis. I am going with the rest of the marketing dept as a goodbye to a few of our staff who are leaving. And dinner is covered by the company! Woo!

Tuesdays normally suck. I am definitely cranky and am trying to find things to be cranky about but besides the lack of sleep I'm okay. Dammit. Way to ruin a perfectly good bad mood! And then I'll get stuffed with cannolis...what's a girl to do on a Tuesday? I guess I'll have fun, but I don't have to be *happy* about it! :)

I was reading Billy Graham Sunday night and the book was overall very good. But the husband and I had a disagreement about the timeline for dishes--which was totally minor--and then I read a chapter on death and how we should look on the death of a Christian as a release into a better life, and next thing you know the husband is coming in from washing dishes and I burst into tears because I had just finished the chapter and he was like, "I'm sorry! I'll go do more dishes! I'm sorry! Don't cry!" Ha ha ha. I didn't milk it; I told him I was reading about funerals and he put my book away and came to bed and we read fiction together.

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